How to Save Money on Gas | 7 Tips

In today’s economy, we’re all trying to cut costs wherever we can. One of the biggest weekly expenses for many of us is filling up the tank. With gas prices on the rise, it hits our wallets every time we go to the pump. Whether you are commuting, running errands, or planning a road trip, finding ways to save on gas is more important than ever. Luckily, there are plenty of easy tips and tricks to help stretch your fuel budget. These are seven tips to save money on gas.

Save Money on Gas

7 Tips to Save Money on Gas:

1. Drive Slower

Yes, you read that right. Driving slower will reduce your fuel consumption. Air resistance is an important factor when it comes to gas mileage. The higher speed you go the more your work your engine has to do in order to balance out the resistance. However, when you drive slower your engine does not have to work as hard. Further when braking, your car will not have to switch as many gears, also saving gas.

2. Keep your tires at the proper air pressure.

Under inflated tires will cause your car to use more energy to move. Maintaining your tire pressure will save money on gas. This is especially important in seasons where the weather varies drastically, specifically in the winter when it gets extremely cold. When tires are at the wrong pressure this can also cause damage to the tires and other parts of the car. It’s a great habit to get into is to check your tires every time before you start driving. This will save you money on gas as well as help with prevention in damaging your car.

3. Use a gas app

There are hundreds of gas apps out there that will save you money! The gas apps will tell you which gas station has the cheapest gas around you. They also offer coupons and discounts at certain gas stations. These are especially important when doing a road trip somewhere. Many of the apps have a function that you can create a ‘trip’ and it will tell you the stops to make with the cheapest gas.

4. Maintain your engine

If your engine is old and does not run how it is supposed to, then it will use up more energy and gas to function properly. Not only will maintaining a healthy car engine save money on gas, but a safety precaution as well. A good rule of thumb is to get your engine (and entire car) looked over every time you bring it to a mechanic, even if it is just for an oil change. Having an efficient engine that runs properly consumes less fuel.

5. Fill the tank completely

It is cheaper to just fill the tank up fully every time. Instead of just putting $20 into the pump each time you go. Yes, it might hurt a little more in the moment, but it will save you money in the long run. This will require fewer trips to the gas station, in return less miles. Further when your tank is full, it leaves less room for condensation. Condensation within the gas tank causes water to build up which can cause a number of different engine problems. By filling up your tank completely at the gas station it will save you money on gas and can help prevent future problems.

6. Stay at a Consistent Speed

Even if you are wanting to go a little faster, it will save you money on gas if you are not constantly braking then speeding up. If you brake and quickly accelerate, this will cause you to consume fuel faster. This is due to your car needing to change gears when at different speeds. When you are braking quickly your car shifts down gears in which your engine revs faster. This in turn causes you to consume more fuel.

7. Use your windows instead of air conditioning

Yes, when you have a car full of people, you should use the A/C and make sure everyone is comfortable. However, your air conditioning does use gas to run, so if it’s a nice day, roll down your windows. Not only can you enjoy the breeze, but you are able to save gas!


There are tons of different ways to save money these days. With gas prices being on the constant rise, this is an expense that is getting hard for everyone to keep up with. While we can’t control the gas prices, we can control how we drive and the maintenance on our cars. These seven tips will help you to save money on gas and take a preventative measure for future (and expensive) problems.

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